What we offer
Braidwood Preschool, through a play-based curriculum, aims to provide a caring, safe, environment that will promote the development of children’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive and language skills. The development of these skills will provide the stepping stones to formal schooling.
Braidwood Preschool is a not-for-profit, community based preschool that endeavours to maintain strong links with families and the Braidwood community.
The Preschool Program
The Braidwood Preschool program aims to help the children develop to their fullest potential by providing a stimulating environment with opportunities for creativity, exploration, individual pursuits and group experience, through a play-based curriculum.
Observations of each child's strengths and interests are kept and this enables the program to be planned to meet and extend these strengths and interests.
The areas of the program include:
movement, and
physical activities for both indoor and outdoor play.
Parents are recognised as being the child's most important teachers and as such are encouraged to contribute their ideas and skills to the program, and to communicate with staff about their child. Our program is reported through daily journals and individual work books.
National Quality Framework
Braidwood Preschool was assessed against the National Quality Standards in December 2020. The Preschool received an overall rating of Meeting the National Standards.
Our Ratings for each of the individual Quality Areas is as follows:
Quality Area 1 - Educational Program and Practice: Meeting National Quality Standard
Quality Area 2 - Children's Health and Safety: Meeting National Quality Standard
Quality Area 3 - Physical Environment: Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 4 - Staffing Arrangements: Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 5 - Relationships with Children: Meeting National Quality Standard
Quality Area 6 - Collaborative partnerships with Families and Communities: Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 7 - Leadership and Service Management: Meeting National Quality Standard